Friday, September 13, 2019

Math Workshop

We officially started Math Workshop this week!  We rotated through four stations correlating to what we are learning in Chapter 1- Place Value.  I was so proud of the hard work everyone showed and am excited to see it continue next week!

T- Technology: Practicing  Xtra Math 

I- Independent: Working on MIF Extra Practice 
M- Making Meaning: Playing a Mystery Number Game

E- Extension: Problem Solving 


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

First Few Days...

The first few days have flown by!  I hope you guys are having as much fun as I am. We have spent some time to building our classroom community.  It is important to get to know each other and establish some familiarity in the start of the school year.  I love learning new things about everyone.

On the first day of school we played played an activity where students had to get into groups and form new words with the letters of their names.  It wasn't as easy as it sounds... but after a while they figured it out.  :)

We also played "Scoot".  There were cards on everyone's desks and you had to read it and do what the card tells you to do. It was important for everyone to participate, because someone else's card could have depended on what you did on your card.  For example card #1 said to yell "I'm #1" as soon as you read the card, and then another card said something along the lines of "when you hear someone say' I'm #1' say 'I like to move it move it' and dance".  Then someone else had to yell 'SHH I'm working'.   It was a little nerve wracking in the beginning but it was so cute to see everyone come out of their shell and get excited about it :)

Last week,  we had a very challenging activity!  Everyone was in groups and had to recreate a design I made out of paper.  You weren't allowed to touch it, and you had to work together.  I went around the room and noted some things people were saying such as...

 "I can't do this!"     "I'm so confused"      "I messed up"      "Don't do that"   "You're doing it wrong"

These kind of things tend to be examples of a 'fixed mindset'. We will be working on how to change our way of thinking to a growth mindset, to see that challenges help us learn. It is okay to get frustrated and not understand things, but we want to look at the challenge in a more positive way.

Along those lines, I also heard things like....

"Ohh I see.."  "I know what you're trying to say.."  "Well, this part I understand..."   "So close!"

This shows me we are on our way to thinking positively and learning from mistakes!

Use the acronym, 'GROUPS' to remember some important ideas when working together. 

Give thoughtful feedback: We will use accountable talk. 
Respect Others: We will listen to everyone.
On Task: Are you doing your job? Are you on task?
Use Quiet Voices: Only your group should hear you.
Participate: Do your part- don't let others do your work. 
Stay in your group: Raise your hand, ask 3 before me!

 I'm excited to see what the next few weeks will bring!

What was your favorite part of the first weeks of school?  
Comment below and let me know! 
(Don't forget to leave your name)