Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Here are a few pictures from Monday's Halloween activities.

I hope you all enjoyed your day :)



And I know many of you asked to see a picture of Logan .... so here it is :)

free glitter text and family website at


  1. Oh My Goodness!! Logan is ADORABLE!! I loved the emoji costumes all the teachers wore. You and Mrs. Wiles-Stasko's costumes were my top two favorite emojis! What a coincidence! I liked when the parents came in and got to see our presidents, national symbols, and explain everything word problems. My mom thought is was amazing to see me write and explain the problem at the same time. I love all the costume creativity in your class. I was a rain could. I guess I got creative too! The many candy corn math was awesome sauce! {That means I LOVED it!}

  2. Doing candy corn math was soooo much fun! ps. Logan is soooooo cute!

  3. Thanks for the fun activties on Halloween.
