Friday, September 29, 2017

Global Real Aloud

This year we are participating in the Global Read Aloud.  We will be connecting with a classroom somewhere in the world who will also be reading this book.  By using this blog, we will respond to some questions and comments about the book.  We got a head start on the book today.  
By using the padlet below, tell me what you think about it so far!  
Double click on the padlet or click on the + at the bottom.
Don't forget to include your name before your comment. 
Click anywhere outside comment for it to save. 

                       Click Here to learn more about GRA2017
Made with Padlet

Thursday, September 14, 2017

GROUP work

We do a lot of group work in class! 

Last week some examples of group work consisted of our Summer Reading Books, Math Workshop, and we did a Science Tools Safety Lab as well. Working with other students is a very important part of learning.   

Use the acronym, 'GROUPS' to remember some important ideas when working together. 

Get Along:We will not argue.
Respect Others: We will listen to everyone.
On Task Behavior: Are you doing your job? Are you on task?
Use Quiet Voices: Only your group should hear you.
Participate: Do your part- don't let others do your work. 
Stay in your group: Raise your hand, ask 3 before me!

Using the Pan Balance to measure mass of crayon boxes

Measuring water in Graduated Cylinders. 
Got a bit messy :)

Measuring water in Beakers.

Measuring water in Beakers.

Using a Stop Watch to time how many jumping jacks we can do!

Measuring our feet using Rulers

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