Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Chapter 4: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Here are some links to videos on multiplying and dividing fractions.  I hope you use them to help you as reminders in studying and doing homework.  

Also different models to represent multiplication and division of fractions.... 

5.NF.6 Solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem.

5.NF.7 Apply and extend previous understandings of division to divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Secret Snowflake


       This is the season of sharing and caring.  In class we’d like our students to participate in the concept of a “Secret Snowflake”. 

 It isn't about buying anything, but more about making something/doing something nice and from the heart for our secret pal each day. 

On the days below you will leave a special treat for your secret snowflake.  On Wednesday and Thursday you can secretly give us the card/poem and we will put them in the mailboxes.  You may also leave a clue as to your identity if you wish.  It is nice to put time and effort into these special treats for your classmates.  If you know you are going to be absent on any of these days, please make your gifts early and give them to me so we may distribute them to your Secret Snowflake.  

This activity will help build upon the caring community in our classroom.  It also reinforces that one person can make a difference.  

I have done this for the past few years in class, and each year I am blown away with the thoughtfulness behind these acts of kindness. 

Wednesday Dec. 19th - Handmade Card
A card wishing your classmate well, to show you care.
Thursday Dec. 20st - A Decorated Poem
Could be an acrostic of  the recipients’ name or any poem about recipient!
I will provide special winter themed paper if needed.

Friday Dec. 21st - Handmade Gift
This gift is made from the heart!

You will have from now (Dec. 10th ) to work on this gift.

Here is a link to craft-like homemade gifts for ideas:

Some of these examples are a little more intricate that others, but it gives you an idea if you're totally stuck.  In the past we have had students make ornaments, bracelets, snowflakes, a frame out of popsicle sticks and decorated, etc.

It is not the quality of the gift, it is the thought that counts! 

Please keep your secret snowflake a secret!!  It takes the fun out of the game when you tell your friends who you have.   I look forward to seeing the creative gifts made for your classmates! 
 I hope you enjoy it too :)

Friday, November 30, 2018

Kindness Week

  This being "Kindness Week",  I thought it might be nice to share of the things we have been doing....

Last year, the 6th grade students has made this huge bulletin board in the cafe that says "Throw Kindness Like Confetti".  Students then wrote on post-its about certain aspects of kindness they observed.  
A few weeks ago, we had started an initiative in class to spread kindness to each other based upon that inspiration.

I found some motivational, inspirational, and kind cards that I printed out on colored paper and gave each student in class.   There are more than 21 cards of all different sayings.  They then had to number their envelope 1-21 (excluding themselves) and use it as a checklist for each student in class.  The challenge is to write something kind to everyone in class at some point in the next few weeks.  They can't just give a card, they need to write a message on the back.  
These messages have been unreal.  They have been very thoughtful in their messages to their peers.   I hope they are able to continue to spread kindness to others, beyond what is expected of them. 

This week also brought in the 'Sticks and Stones' program, back by popular demand from last year! In our class visit with Skip and Jeff, they guys talked about some ways to be kind to others.  The kids then got to play some instruments.  They did a great job! 

Today was superhero day!  The kids were challenged to create a superhero that had to do with the Life is Good superpowers, or kindness in general.   They designed the superhero and then made a mask for themselves.

We decided to use today to 'tag' another class with our kinds as well.   We went down to a fourth grade class and gave all the students a superhero card. The kids wrote messages on the back and delivered them wearing their masks :) 

I hope everyone has enjoyed these activities and continue to spread kindness daily! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Ladder Method

How Do Ladders Help With Math???

I can't tell you enough how much I love the Ladder Method!  To be honest, I didn't like it at first.  Believe it or not, a few years ago was the first time I learned it! Like many of you, I was hesitant to use it because it was a new concept to me and it wasn't how I was taught. Learning new ways to do something can be hard for people to accept and use. Even though I wasn't a big fan of it, I taught it to my students and showed them how to use it.  We used it as a strategy, but primarily used listing factors as our go-to solution.  

I was determined to like it, because other teachers really liked using it.   How did I get over my frustrations with it?  I practiced, practiced, and practiced some more!  Now when I use the Ladder Method, it makes so much more sense.  I love that you can use this one tool to figure out 3 different concepts!   Once you get the hang of it, it is a real game changer and saves some time.     
Here is a video that explores this concept step by step!  

Something you really need to know is your PRIME NUMBERS.  It helps you get a good start when using the Ladder.  You really need to use the smaller ones.  It is good to have the first 5 or 6 memorized. 

You also need to know your MATH FACTS!  If you struggle with knowing your basic math facts fluently, then practice, practice, practice!  You want it to be automatic.  

Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators. 
For example, 2/3 + 5/4 = 8/12 + 15/12 = 23/12. (In general, a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/bd.)

Let me know what you think!!  
Are you starting to enjoy the Ladder Method???  

Comment below and share your thoughts :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Persevering Through Word Problems

Word Problems got you down? Feeling Stuck? Overwhelmed?  

The key to unlocking the mystery of word problems is to slow down and work on it step by step!  Often times we panic and throw our hands up and give up too quickly.  I find it helpful to go through mental checklists, similar to this one we pasted into our notebook the other day. 

Step-by-Step Videos

I have included some videos below that go through a few word problems we have done in class, step by step with explanation.  This is a great reminder of what we did in class.  The videos I found follow the strategies we do in class, very closely. 

The two videos below break apart lesson 7 into the two parts, also like we will in class.

Part 1 goes over different types of word problems such as, using remainders in quotient, increasing quotient, and multi-step problems.
They also show the importance of finding meaning in each step and labeling.

Part 2 goes over comparing models and finding the unit amount, as well as using organized charts to solve problems.
           (click link above)                                                            (click link above)

The video below follows two examples I showed in class.
One example was Mandy and Nacha's age comparison using a table.  The other example is figuring out the price of a washer when knowing the total of refrigerator, washer, and dryer.

           (click link above)

Lastly, this last video is more for parents.  Hi Parents! Hopefully you're reading this post.  Comment below and let me know if this video helps.  It compares the basic standard way you and I probably would have solved a problem when we were in school.  It then compares the same problem to how our Math In Focus (Singapore Math) program will approach it.  I know sometimes it feels as though as this math program is a foreign language.  Sometimes it is!  However, I found it helpful to see the connection between the two methods.

                    (click link above)

Common Core Standards:
5.NBT.5 Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
5.NBT.6 Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models

Was this helpful??
Comment below and let me know if these videos helped you with your homework or studying.
I look forward to hearing from you :)


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Does McDonalds Sell Cheese Burgers?

Did you know that this question could help you remember how to divide? The question is an example of a 
mnemonic device.  A mnemonic device is technique a person can use to help improve their ability to remember something.  Each letter represents a step to long division, as you can see in the steps to the right. 
(The C in Cheeseburgers stands for CHECK, before you bring down) 
We will be learning another mnemonic device next week.  
Hint: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally :)  

Long division steps can be a lot to remember.  Now you are learning long division with two digit divisors.   I have provided some videos below to help visualize the steps and use as reference for homework if needed.  

You can also go to the Google Classroom for the Math Antics videos. 

Click Here for step by step division

Click Here to watch a video from Khan Academy

Click Here to review multiplication

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Thinking Positively!

The first few days have flown by!  I hope you guys are having as much fun as I am. We have spent some time to building our classroom community.  It is important to get to know each other and establish some familiarity in the start of the school year.  I love learning new things about everyone.

On the first day of school we played, "Find Someone Who..." where you had to walk around and ask questions to your classmates to get to know them.  For example one of them was, "Find someone who... likes fruit", and you would have to follow up with other questions like "what kind of fruit?" and so forth.

On the second day of school we played "Scoot".  There were cards on everyone's desks and you had to read it and do what the card tells you to do. It was important for everyone to participate, because someone else's card could have depended on what you did on your card.  For example card #1 said to yell "I'm #1" as soon as you read the card, and then another card said something along the lines of "when you hear someone say' I'm #1' say 'I like to move it move it' and dance".  Then someone else had to yell 'SHH I'm working'.   It was a little nerve wracking in the beginning but it was so cute to see everyone come out of their shell and get excited about it :)


Yesterday we had a very challenging activity!  Everyone was in groups and had to recreate a design I made out of paper.  You weren't allowed to touch it, and you had to work together.  I went around the room and noted some things people were saying such as...

 "I can't do this!"     "I'm so confused"      "I messed up"      "Don't do that"   "You're doing it wrong"

These kind of things tend to be examples of a 'fixed mindset'. We will be working on how to change our way of thinking to a growth mindset, to see that challenges help us learn. It is okay to get frustrated and not understand things, but we want to look at the challenge in a more positive way.

Along those lines, I also heard things like....

"Ohh I see.."  "I know what you're trying to say.."  "Well, this part I understand..."   "So close!"

This shows me we are on our way to thinking positively and learning from mistakes!

Use the acronym, 'GROUPS' to remember some important ideas when working together. 

Get Along:We will not argue.
Respect Others: We will listen to everyone.
On Task Behavior: Are you doing your job? Are you on task?
Use Quiet Voices: Only your group should hear you.
Participate: Do your part- don't let others do your work. 
Stay in your group: Raise your hand, ask 3 before me!

 I'm excited to see what the next few weeks will bring!

What was your favorite part of the first weeks of school?  
Comment below and let me know! 
(Don't forget to leave your name)

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Welcome Back!

Welcome to 5th grade!  I hope you have enjoyed your summer and are ready for the new school year. 

This year you are on a team of three teachers.  We each teach ELA (Reading and Writing), I teach Math, Mrs. Valzania teaches Social Studies, and Mrs Bouffard teaches Science. 

We will be using this classroom blog daily!  It is where homework is posted nightly, as well as pictures and useful resources that we use in the classroom.  On the right side there is a place for your parents to enter their email and they will get updates when new posts are added.  

We have a lot of fun activities planned for this year.  I am very much looking forward to this school year to begin.  

(1) Plastic/Laminated two-pocket folder
Colored pencils, crayons, or markers
Colored Pens for correcting
Glue Sticks
Pencil box/pouch for your personal supplies
Earbuds/headphones to be kept at school
Thin Dry Erase markers (optional)

ELA:  (Mrs. Cummings)
Small Post-It notes (2in x 2in)
(1) Plastic/Laminated two-pocket folder
(1) Composition notebook

MATH:  (Mrs. Cummings)
(1) Plastic/Laminated two-pocket folder
(1) Notebook with a pocket and at least 100 pages

SCIENCE: (Mrs. Bouffard)
(1) Composition notebook
(1) Plastic/Laminated two-pocket folder
Safety Goggles to be kept at school

SOCIAL STUDIES:  (Mrs. Valzania)
(1) Plastic/Laminated two-pocket folder
(1) 3-Subject notebook

Please take a minute to comment on the padlet below about your summer vacation. Make sure you include your name!
Made with Padlet

Friday, June 22, 2018

School's Out!!!

To my current 5th graders...

I had so much teaching you this year, even though I missed the last 2.5 months.  It is sad to see you go and not have you in my class next year, however I love that I get to see you in the halls!  You better come by and visit me.  Thank you for all the great memories.
You will have a wonderful year in 6th grade! 

To my new 5th graders... 

It was very nice meeting you today.  I can't wait to see you all again in the fall.   If you have any questions, feel free to comment on this post or email me. 

Below I have provided our supply list and links to the Summer Reading requirements.
I hope everyone has a wonderful, fun, eventful, and safe summer!! 


Here is a link to Mrs. Gadbois' blog where it gives information about your summer reading requirements.

Incoming Grade 5 Summer Reading


(1) Plastic/Laminated two-pocket folder
Colored pencils, crayons, or markers
Colored Pens for correcting
Glue Sticks
Pencil box/pouch for your personal supplies
Earbuds/headphones to be kept at school
Thin Dry Erase markers (optional)

ELA:  (Mrs. Cummings)
Small Post-It notes (2in x 2in)
(1) Plastic/Laminated two-pocket folder
(1) Composition notebook
MATH:  (Mrs. Cummings)
(1) Plastic/Laminated two-pocket folder
(1) Notebook with a pocket and at least 100 pages

SCIENCE: (Mrs. Bouffard)
(1) Composition notebook
(1) Plastic/Laminated two-pocket folder
Safety Goggles to be kept at school

SOCIAL STUDIES:  (Mrs. Valzania)
(1) Plastic/Laminated two-pocket folder
(1) 3-Subject notebook

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Baby Cummings is Here!

Dylan Michael Cummings has finally arrived!  

He came a day late, on May 2nd at 1:11 pm.  Abhay guessed the date correctly.

He was 7 pounds 9 oz.  Nolan, Kyra, and Caitlyn all guessed 7 pounds 8 oz.

He was 20 inches long.  Bella and Ayden guessed correctly.

I have some treats set aside for you.   

He can't wait to meet you guys :) 

Friday, April 13, 2018

See You Soon!

I can't believe it is already time to say good-bye! This date just snuck up on us.  I wanted to thank you all for being a wonderful group of 5th graders this year.  You have been so much fun to teach and work with. 

I hope you continue to work hard in class but most importantly, treat everyone with kindness!!

I will miss each and everyone one of you very much! 

Video- Mrs. Cummings' class- 2017-2018

The video above is password protected. 
 I have given you the password in class, and emailed your parents.  
You may download the video to your computers at home if you'd like.   
The link will expire in a month- so download it now if you want to keep it. 

 I will post an update on the blog when new baby comes- and announce who was closest with date, height, and weight. 
 You will get a prize :)

Friday, March 30, 2018

Twin Day!

It's Twin Day!
I love how everyone in class participated.  It makes it so much more fun.  :) 

Abahy and Ray suited up!

Leo and Nolan must shop together. 

Dev, Chris, Alec, and Reed opted for dark colors, [blues, blacks, and grays] and sweatshirts
(Alex was absent but part of this group!)

All the girls decided to go with dark pants, shirts, and light colored sweaters and pigtails!  

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Throwing Kindness like Confetti in the Classroom

We have started an initiative in class to spread kindness to each other.  We have had several 'kindness' assemblies throughout the year and classroom discussions.  During one of those assemblies the 6th graders had made this huge bulletin board in the cafe that says "Throw Kindness Like Confetti".  Students then wrote on post-its about certain aspects of kindness they observed.   

Taking that idea, I found some motivational, inspirational, and kind cards that I printed out on colored paper and gave each student in class.   There are more than 20 cards of all different sayings.  They then had to number their envelope 1-20 (excluding themselves) and use it as a checklist for each student in class.  The challenge is to write something kind to everyone in class at some point in the next few weeks.  They can't just give a card, they need to write a message on the back.  

These messages have been unreal.  I was literally in tears this morning reading some.  They have really taken to this activity and have been very thoughtful in their messages to their peers.   I hope they are able to continue to spread kindness to others, beyond what is expected of them.  :)