Friday, March 30, 2018

Twin Day!

It's Twin Day!
I love how everyone in class participated.  It makes it so much more fun.  :) 

Abahy and Ray suited up!

Leo and Nolan must shop together. 

Dev, Chris, Alec, and Reed opted for dark colors, [blues, blacks, and grays] and sweatshirts
(Alex was absent but part of this group!)

All the girls decided to go with dark pants, shirts, and light colored sweaters and pigtails!  

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Throwing Kindness like Confetti in the Classroom

We have started an initiative in class to spread kindness to each other.  We have had several 'kindness' assemblies throughout the year and classroom discussions.  During one of those assemblies the 6th graders had made this huge bulletin board in the cafe that says "Throw Kindness Like Confetti".  Students then wrote on post-its about certain aspects of kindness they observed.   

Taking that idea, I found some motivational, inspirational, and kind cards that I printed out on colored paper and gave each student in class.   There are more than 20 cards of all different sayings.  They then had to number their envelope 1-20 (excluding themselves) and use it as a checklist for each student in class.  The challenge is to write something kind to everyone in class at some point in the next few weeks.  They can't just give a card, they need to write a message on the back.  

These messages have been unreal.  I was literally in tears this morning reading some.  They have really taken to this activity and have been very thoughtful in their messages to their peers.   I hope they are able to continue to spread kindness to others, beyond what is expected of them.  :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Google- Augmented Reality

Today we got to participate in a pioneer program provided by Google.  We had a Google Ambassador come into school to share the Augmented Reality programs they are developing.  We got to try out a few different options such as, Basic Landforms, The Solar System, and a quick view into Bees.  

Each group got a phone and a 3-d image would appear in front of them as if it were there, they could move around object to get closer looks.  It was super cool.  
Ms. Kosakowski created a place to respond to your favorite program using FlipGrid.  You can click on the link below if you'd like to make a video.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Baby Prediction Fun

We had some fun yesterday making predictions for New Baby C.  When the kids originally found out I was having a baby, they had made predictions of whether it would be a boy or girl and when I would have it.  Yesterday, they updated some of their due date predictions, as well as guessing weight and height.  ( I haven't made the height graph yet).  They used information I gave them about my husband, myself, and Logan's stats to make their predictions. 
There will be small prizes for closest guesses when the time comes :)

Friday, March 2, 2018

Read Across America

Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday.  It is also known as "Read Across America" day.  Actually the whole week of the good doctor's birthday is Read Across America Week.  
Dr. Seuss changed reading for young students in the 1950's.  He made reading FUN!  Our superpower this month happens to be, fun... coincidence?  We have spent time this week reading some 'fun' books. We also dedicated some time this week to analyze some of the quotes from various Dr. Seuss books.   When you are younger and reading his books, they just seem fun and silly. However many of his books have bigger meanings and lessons to be learned.  We discussed many of those yesterday as each of you were given a quote to analyze and explain what it means to you today.  

Click here to do some fun Dr. Seuss activities  --->   Seussville


My favorite quote happens to be a Dr. Seuss book, as you can see, clearly displayed on the blog!  
Logan is even showing off the quote today on his shirt :) 


We then got together to discuss theme,  THE MESSAGE the author is trying to get across. We are starting to discuss theme with our historical fiction books, so we used 5 different Dr. Seuss books to jumpstart our discussions on theme. 

Abhay, Ray, Bella, and Reed read The Lorax.  They decided the theme was "think about the consequences of your actions". 

Chris, Alec, and Devlin read The Sneetches.  The decided the theme was "just because you look different, you're not better than others".

Leo, Nolan, Ayden, and Angelina read Green Eggs and Ham.  They decided the theme was "be open to new things".

Kyra, AnnaSophia, Maggie, and Rebecca read Yertle the Tutle.  They decided the theme was "to treat everyone equally".

Hannah, Caitlyn, and Mia read Horton Hears a Who.  They decided the theme was "it doesn't matter how different you are, everyone should be treated the same". 

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