Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Welcome Back!!

Welcome to 5th grade!  I hope you have enjoyed your summer and are ready for the new school year. 

This year, you will be working with a team of teachers.  I will be your Homeroom, ELA, and Math teacher. Mrs. Bouffard will be your Science teacher, and Mrs. Medugno will be your Social Studies teacher. Mrs. Sanders and Ms. Stanton will be some other teachers working with our team who also teaches ELA and Math. 

We will be using this classroom blog daily!  It is where homework is posted nightly, as well as pictures and useful resources that we use in the classroom.  On the right side there is a place for your parents to enter their email and they will get updates when new posts are added.  

We have a lot of fun activities planned for this year.  I am very much looking forward to this school year to begin.