Friday, March 3, 2017

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Yesterday was Dr. Seuss' birthday.  It is now known as "Read Across America" day.  Actually the whole week of the good doctor's birthday is Read Across America Week.  Dr. Seuss changed reading for young students in the 1950's.  He made reading FUN!  Our superpower this month happens to be, fun... coincidence?  We have spent time this week reading some 'fun' books. We also dedicated some time yesterday to analyze some of the quotes from various Dr. Seuss books.   When you are younger and reading his books, they just seem fun and silly. However many of his books have bigger meanings and lessons to be learned.  We discussed many of those yesterday as each of you were given a quote to analyze and explain what it means to you today.  
My favorite quote happens to be a Dr. Seuss book, as you can see, clearly displayed on the blog!  

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