Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Historical Fiction

We are starting our unit on Historical Fiction. You will be placed in a book group where you will have to research a period of time that relates to your book.

I am curious to know what time period you are interested in learning about?  If you don't get assigned a particular time period you wanted, you will be given an opportunity to read about it after.

Please comment below about what time period interests you!!


The past few days you guys have been so into the research, and now the reading.  It makes me so excited for this unit!  I hope you enjoy it ;)


  1. My favorite time period is the Holocaust and the Nazi invasions and concentration camps.

  2. I like to read about the Holocaust and WWII

  3. I think that I might be interested in the Salem Witch Trials, or the Civil War.

  4. I would like to learn more about The Holocaust.

  5. The period of time that I am interested in would be from the beginning of World War I to the end of World War II. this time period includes the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

  6. I like the Salem Witch Trials


  7. Ancient Egypt : 30 BC–641 AD

  8. A period of time I am intreasted in is the roman and ming dynasty period.

  9. I like things about world war two 1939 to 1945

  10. The Holocaust interests me

  11. I am interested in learning about the specifics of the Holocaust. Also, I am interested in learning about anything that has to do with peoples rights, or slavery.

  12. I am very interested in the Salem Witch triles .
